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Uso de amorphous silicon en inglés
LG and Samsung are sticking with tried-and-true materials ( amorphoussilicon) for now.
Privately held OptiSolar's amorphoussilicon solar panels are less costly than the silicon-based panels that dominate the market.
We propose using an amorphoussilicon panel detector to observe the movement of the stent during the cardiac cycle.
Its sensor's amorphoussilicon pixels respond to infrared radiation, showing differences in surface temperature down to half a degree centigrade.
OptiSolar so-called thin film solar panels are made from amorphoussilicon and are cheaper to produce than traditional crystalline silicon panels.
Japan's Sharp is the frontrunner in IGZO technology, which uses indium gallium zinc oxide instead of amorphoussilicon, in panel manufacturing.
By day it flies on solar power generated by amorphoussilicon arrays no thicker than sheets of paper that cover the aircraft's wings.
Toshiba's LCD unit has been shuttering old lines and has said it is looking to sell equipment for making amorphoussilicon LCD panels.
Going forward, the projects included in the deal will incorporate First Solar's cadmium telluride solar panels rather than Hayward, California-based OptiSolar's amorphoussilicon panels.
Energy Conversion Devices Inc is the only other large public thin-film company -and its technology, based on amorphoussilicon, is different from First Solar's.
Methods: Using a new solid-state amorphoussilicon planar detector, with a dynamic range of 12 bits, fluoroscopic images of a Palmaz-Schatz coronary stent were obtained.
In addition, it is demonstrated that the NAs can serve as templates for replicas of three-dimensional conformal amorphoussilicon films with significantly enhanced light harvesting.
Amorphoussilicon likewise burns with great energy in fluorine.